Thursday, March 14, 2013

Crape Myrtle Pruning

So, it has been a really long time since I have blogged. Sorry about that. This will be my first returning blog and I will hopefully soon blog about my health.

My father in law gave me an article from a blogger called the "Grumpy Gardener." It was about "Crepe Murder" I know locally I see Crape Myrtles with their tops cut off in the fall around here. I have 3 Crape Myrtles in my front yard and haven't touched them for the past 2 years. I'm glad I didn't cut the tops off after reading this article. I pruned them yesterday and the pictures show what they now look like. I hope you can see them since their are large trees in the background. We shall see how they do when they start blooming. Here is a link to a article on how to correctly prune Crape Myrtles:  Crepe Myrtle Pruning Step by Step


  1. What a hoot! I love the way the guy writes. Soooo funny! Glad you're out in the garden now!

    1. I like who he writes too! I so enjoyed being outside! Elijah loved it too! He listened pretty well, hopefully I will get to spend more time outside this spring!
