Sunday, September 16, 2012

Health Update

This was from a couple months ago, I've lost more weight than this picture shows. Its just the latest picture I have. My husband Peter is standing with me and has lost 15 pounds since I've started the diet.
Sorry it has been so long since I have posted anything. I guess I've been feeling so good I've kept myself pretty busy. So for the good news.... I've lost 28 pounds since I've started my Candida Diet 5 months ago. My heart has stopped skipping beats.  My PH Balance is no longer acidic. The rash around my mouth is gone. I was having a lot of bad dreams, but in the last couple of months don't remember too many dreams. A lot of anxiety and fear has dissipated. I have so much more energy than I did before! I used to get so sluggish in the afternoon and I just don't remember being very tired that often anymore.

About a month ago I took another saliva test and the results were very different than the first time I took it. The first time I had the strings floating in it. The last one I took had cloudy sediment on the bottom of the glass. According to the test, that means you still have a fungal infection. Since it was different, it made me think I was definitely getting better. I researched the test a little and found some information that the test may not be that valid. Click Candida Spit Test- A Hoax to see the video. At the end of the video it mentions some other tests you can take. Of course I also took a questionnaire which also showed I had the Candida. I also had some of the symptoms that have now gone away that lead me to believe I had the Candida.  So it is hard for me to know if it is completely gone unless I take a blood test. I know I am much healthier now than I was 5 months ago!

Saliva Test

Saliva Test

Monday, August 27, 2012

Creative Art Expressions

Creative Art Expressions Handmade Purple Aqua Seed Bead Flower Ring Jewelry Design

I know it has been a while since I have blogged any new messages. I have been really busy working on a new website for jewelry I make. It is really hard to balance my time between all the hobbies I love, keeping up with my house and my precious little boy, Elijah. So for the past few weeks I've been working on Creative Art Expressions. Make sure you visit! I have another recipe and more information to post soon!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Amasi treat with Ultimate GreenZone and Berries

Ok, so this picture looks pretty gross, but it really is a delicious treat! Since I took this picture, I've changed up my recipe a bit since I don't have the fresh blackberries anymore and I put the treat in the freezer now.  (Better picture to come)

Amasi treat with Ultimate GreenZone recipe:

Amasai - about 1/3 a bottle
Vanilla Extract alcohol free - to taste - I find this on amazon
Ultimate GreenZone - 1 scoop
Your organic berry of choice - a handful or to taste. (My favorites are strawberries and blueberries). If I don't have fresh berries, I use organic frozen and defrost them a little in the microwave. (Probably not the best way).
Opptional: Cacao nibs or cacao beans broken up - to taste (I love the crunch they add and they are loaded with antioxidants!) I get these on amazon

I mix it all together and then I put it in the freezer for a little while to make an icy cold treat. The closest thing to ice cream I can have!

Amasai is full of healthy bacteria which is great for getting Candida under control!  The Ultimate GreenZone cuts down the sour taste of the Amasai. Together, it makes a perfect treat. This is probably only tasty to someone who has been off of sugar for a little while. I look forward to it every evening after dinner!

GreenZone For Candida

Ultimate GreenZone

I have been taking Ultimate GreenZone for a couple of months now. It helps me to supplement my vegetables with many greens and ingredients that help feed my healthy bacteria, which fight to keep the Candida under control. I have included an exhaustive list of ingredients and information about their benefits!  It includes some whole grains which on a Candida diet you are not supposed to have, but in all the research I have done, it seems to be a recommended product while on a Candida diet.

After doing all this research for each ingredient in Ultimate GreenZone, I am very glad I am taking the product and not concerned about the healthy grains included at all. 

Amaranth seed (Amaranthus cruentus)
"Amaranth contains four times the calcium found in wheat and two times the iron and magnesium. It is also rich in several amino acids, specifically lysine, methionine and cysteine and as a result, amaranth is a more complete protein than many other types of grains. It is also gluten-free." This information is directly from LiveStrong and you can find more information about Amaranth there.

* According to research done by Dr. Davidson Mwangi, Amaranth can help manage Candida
Information found on Peace Corps Connect. 

Brown Rice (Oryza sativa)
"Brown rice is a source of many beneficial nutrients, including fiber, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B-6."
This information is directly from Live Strong. Click the link to find out more information about brown rice. 
*According to The Candida Diet "Grains contain a high amount of fiber, excellent for keeping the colon clear so Candida doesn't get a chance to multiply."  Side note by me: According to my natural doctor, I am supposed to stay away from all grains on the Candida diet at first. Some information I have found say that gluten-free grains such as brown rice, amaranth and quinoa are okay. Personally, I have stuck to the "no grain rule" except in this product: Ultimate GreenZone.

Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)
"Some call it one of the most powerful plant foods on the planet. There’s some evidence it may help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. That’s quite a tall order for a tiny seed that’s been around for centuries: flaxseed." This is directly from WebMD. Click the link to find out more about Flaxseed.

* According to Dr. John Dommisse on Chet Day, Flaxseed or Flaxseed Oil should be a part of your Candida diet.
Spirulina algae (Spirulina platensis) Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in warm, alkaline fresh waters around the world. Spirulina naturally contains protein representing all eight essential amino acids, as well as chelated minerals, natural plant sugars, trace minerals and enzymes. Spirulina is easily assimilated by the body. It also provides naturally occurring chlorophyll. Spirulina can be used as a pre-meal supplement. It is one of the few plant sources of vitamin B12.  *According to Empower Life, Spirulina inhibits the growth of Candida

"Because FOS is indigestible, it acts as a non-digestible fibre in the diet.  This is because the body does not possess the necessary enzymes to break down the FOS as it travels down the digestive tract.  When it reaches the large intestine and the colon, the bacteria that are naturally present there start to break down the FOS as the bacteria have the enzymes necessary to do so.  Bifido bacteria use FOS and foods that promote the growth of the bifido bacteria are good for health.  FOS increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in the lower intestine, and thus there are improvements in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, detoxification and elimination processes, and in the immune system. FOS may also help to relieve constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders including problems that are related to irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and lactose intolerance."  This information is directly from Natural Therapy Pages. Find more information by clicking the link.

*According to Lef  "Fructooligosaccharides are a form of sugar that has been shown to boost beneficial bacteria levels. One teaspoon (4 g) daily of fructooligosaccharide promotes the proliferation of friendly bifido bacteria in the gut (Howard MD et al 1995; Oyarzabal OA et al 1995; Buddington RK et al 1996)." The friendly bacteria helps to keep Candida under control.

Quinoa seed (Chenopodium quinoa)
"Quinoa is rich in protein content. In fact, it is a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids, especially lysine, which is required by the body to grow and repair tissues. Quinoa has high content of manganese in it, which acts as antioxidant in the body and helps it get rid of dangerous cancer cells and other diseases. The Quinoa seed proved to be a good source of magnesium, which provides relief from migraine headaches, relaxes blood vessels, and decreases the risk of hypertension." This information is from Whole Fusion. Click the link to read more.
*According to Rachels Wellness, Quinoa does not feed Candida.

Flaxseed Hull Lignans (Linum usitatissiumum)
"Whole flax seed (with the shell) has been recognized as the richest source of dietary plant lignans and contains from 75 to 800 times more than any other plant source. They are well known in studies to boost immunity and support immune system function." This information is from Simple Health With Laura. Click the link to read more. 

Chia Seed (Salvia hispanica)
"One of the best things about these seeds is that they are extremely nutritious, containing around 22% of protein, 35% of healthy fats (Omega 3, Omega 6), and around 25% of dietary fiber. Not only that, they also contain plenty of minerals and vitamins – A lot of calcium, potassium, and iron is found in these seeds.
These little seeds help you fight against many diseases and keep the immune system strong by helping the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins." This information is from Chia Seeds Health. Click the link to read more.

*"Because of their high fiber content, chia seeds may help to maintain a healthy balance of flora, or bactera, in your digestive system, which may, in turn, inhibit candida infections." This information is from Live Strong.

Click the link to read more.

Chlorella algae (Chlorella vulgaris)
"In this algae, there are several nutrients that can improve health. Chlorella is a potent source of B-12, a vitamin commonly found in proteins [Source: Watanabe]. It also contains B-1, B-2, folic acid, and vitamins C and K [Source: Baianova, Ohkawa]. Its unique composition gives this plant significant antioxidant properties and provides a boost to the body [Source: Miranda]." This information is from How Stuff Works. Click the link to read more.  

*"By taking chlorella, and in particular the extract, you may be activating immune cells stationed within the intestines to attack. Macrophages are the immune cells that destroy these little beasts. Studies suggest chlorella enhances the growth and activity of these immune cells. Additionally, chlorella may increase production of chemicals that can contribute to the destruction of candida: interferon and tumor necrosis factor. It has also been suggested that pesticides and industrial toxins are a major contributing factor because they weaken the immune system. Chlorella tablets are supreme detoxifiers that may “unwedge” stored toxins such as pesticide residue, heavy metals and other poisons." This information is from Dr. Steger. Click the link for more information.

Millet Seed (Panicum millaceum)
"The Magnesium in millet can help reduce the affects of migraines and heart attacks. Niacin (vitamin B3) in millet can help lower cholesterol. Phosphorus in millet helps with fat metabolism, body tissue repair and creating energy (phosphorus is an essential component ofadenosine triphosphate or ATP, a precursor to energy in your body) Millet can help lower risk of type 2 diabetes.Fiber from whole grains has been shown to protect against breast cancer. Whole grains have been shown to protect against childhood asthma." This information is from Body Ecology. Click on the link to read more.

* "Millet does NOT feed pathogenic yeast (candida), acts as a prebiotic to feed important microflora in your inner ecosystem, provides serotonin to calm and soothe your moods, helps hydrate your colon to keep you regular, is alkaline and digests easily." This information is from Body Ecology. Click the link to read more.

Alfalfa Juice Extract (Medicago sativa)
Fresh alfalfa juice can help to guard against a wide range of diseases and contribute to your overall health and well-being. This information is from Live Strong. Click the link to read more.

*Alfalfa is an alkaline food which helps promote healthy bacteria according to MD White on  EHow. Healthy bacteria helps to keep Candida under control.

Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
We know this herb for its wide use as a candy flavoring, but its value goes far beyond that. The dietary use of licorice goes back several thousand years. Traditional herbalists use licorice root as a general tonic and for glandular support. It also supports the liver. Most Chinese herb combinations use licorice to balance the other herbs and to promote vitality. It has a reputation for helping the entire body maintain balance (particularly helpful to women who menstruate) and for promoting well-being. Licorice contains triterpenoid saponins, flavonoids, isoflavonoids and other beneficial constituents.

*"Though not antifungal, licorice will soothe the inflamed intestines so common with candida, thus helping to prevent malabsorption of nutrients and food allergies. Licorice also tones the adrenal glands and helps regulate blood glucose, controlling sugar cravings. This herb is also excellent for excessive mucous, cough, and constipation." This information is by Stephen C. Byrnes, N.D., R.N.C.P. from Chet Day.

Soy Lecithin
Lecithin contains fat-like substances called phospholipids. Components of lecithin protect cells from oxidation and largely comprise the protective sheaths surrounding the nerves in the brain and nervous system. It is needed by every cell in the body and is a key building block of cell membranes, helping them to maintain flexibility. Although lecithin is a fatty substance, it is also a fat emulsifier. Emulsifiers in the body play an important role in fat digestion and circulatory health. The nervous system may benefit from the choline in lecithin. Choline is useful for making acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter.

Carrot Root (Daucus carota)
"The health benefits of carrot include reduced cholesterol, prevention from heart attacks, warding off certain cancers and many others. Most of the benefits of carrot can be attributed to its beta carotene and fiber content. This root, which has a scientific name of Daucus Carota, is a good source of antioxidant agents as well. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and potassium." This information is from Organic Facts. Click the link to read more.

*According to Empower Life carrots inhibit Candida growth.

Lemon Grass aerial parts (Cymbopogon citratus)
"They provide good flavor, alleviate cramps and occasional gas and also provides digestive relaxers." This information is from Blessed Herbs.

*"Citral-rich oils derived from lemon grass and lemon-scented tea tree were shown to inhibit Candida albicans at more than four times the rate (zone of inhibition) of tea tree oil (Williams and Home 1995)." This information is from Natural Pedia.

Papaya Fruit Concentrate (Carica papaya)
"Leading its lengthy list of attributes, the papaya is loaded with vitamin C, carrying more than three times the body’s daily requirements, as well as vitamins A, E, and K, which are powerful antioxidants. The high fiber content of papaya, combined with its vitamin-rich antioxidants, is also a bonus cancer-fighting ingredient." This information is by Allison Kanaley Trudell from Life Script.

*According to Well Women, Papaya is an ideal fruit to have on the Candida diet.

Artichoke Leaves (Cynara scolymus)
"Aside from lowering cholesterol, artichoke leaf extract is also beneficial in treating heartburn, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome." This information is from EHow by William Lynch.

Spinach Leaves and Stems (Spinacia oleracea)
"A wonderful green leafy vegetable, spinach is often recognized as one of the functional foods for its nutritional, antioxidants and anti-cancer constituents" This information is from Nutrition and You. Click the link to read more benefits of spinach.

*Spinach is a great vegetable to eat on the candida diet with all of its nutrient rich benefits.

Broccoli Flowers (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
"Broccoli heads are rich source of phyto-nutrients that help protect from prostate cancer and stroke risks. It is actually a flower vegetable and known for its notable and unique nutrients that are found to have disease prevention and health promoting properties." This information is from Nutrition and You.

*According to Candida Page, broccoli inhibits the growth of Candida, along with raw garlic, onions, cabbage, turnips and kale.

Kale Leaves (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
"Kale is a superstar in the arena of carotenoids and flavonoids, two powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. The key flavonoids kaempferol and quercitin (not to dismiss the 45 other distinctive flavonoids in kale) have also been shown to specifically fight against the formation of cancerous cells. With the addition of high doses of well-known antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin A, and manganese, kale is certainly a smart choice in the battle against cellular oxidation." This information is from Health Diaries. Click the link to find more health benefits of kale.

*"Kale is one of the highest ranking vegetables when it comes to many antioxidants and it contains other powerful nutrients that have detoxifying properties that will help the liver process the chemicals released during Candida die off while on the beginning stages of a Candida diet." This information is from Candida Food.

Asparagus Stems (Asparagus officinalis)
"The asparagus stem has the property of eliminating toxins from the digestive trap. The pulp of the asparagus stem is used, its exterior side being first cleaned." This information is from Live and Feel. Click the link to read more about the benefits of Asparagus.

*Asparagus is okay for the Candida diet.  Since it eliminates toxins, it should help with the Candida die off symptoms as well.

Red Beet Root Extract (Beta vulgaris)
"Beet root provides a good source of anthocyanadins, a natural antioxidant that contributes to its deep red colour,is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, is used traditionally as a blood building food, may aid the natural process of elimination and support detoxification processes, has liver, spleen, gall bladder and kidney cleansing properties, is particularly rich in Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron." This information is from Fruits N Vegetables.

*"Candida seem to hate oxygen. Beetroot (US = red beets) turns to nitrous oxide in the bloodstream and gives you a few hours of candida-killing good oxygen levels. Although some people say it has sugars in it, in fact, I have found that it is included in my "The Complete Candida Yeast Guidebook" diet plan and that it is really effective in helping me to control my symptoms. Some people call it a "superfood"." This information is from Low Carber.

Bromelain (from pineapple fruit) (Ananas comosus)
"Bromelain is a protein-digesting (proteolytic) enzyme complex found in the fruit and, in higher concentrations, in the stem of the pineapple (Ananas comosus). It is able to hydrolyze or break down a wide variety of protein types in a range of both acid and alkaline environments. Originally isolated in the late 1800s, bromelain can play a key role in digestion, and perhaps more importantly, its properties have prompted many practitioners to use it as an agent in wound healing and the prevention of infection and inflammation for decades." This information is from Global Healing Center. Click the link to read more benefits of Bromelain.

*"Feed your gut with healthy flora by taking an acidophilus supplement twice a day with your meals. Supplement with vitamin C. Restore gastrointestinal membrane integrity to heal "leaky gut syndrome" with glutamine-rich foods. These include parsley, celery, spinach, lettuce, carrots and Brussels sprouts. Utilize enzymes during or just after a meal to help your stomach digest protein, because improper digestion often leads to problems with candida. Take either bromelain, derived from pineapple, or papain, derived from papaya, advise Gustafson and O'Shea." This information is from Live Strong.

Chicory Root (Cichorium intybus)
"Contains Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is known for its ability to help prevent jaundice and an enlarged liver when mixed with water and consumed, is a natural sedative and anti-inflammatory for the nervous system, helps the body resist gallstones and liver stones, provides the soluble fiber inulin, which feeds digestive flora in the intestines. The inulin content is not digestible, so its lack of glucose can help promote optimal blood sugar levels while also increasing stool bulk and consistency, and it aids in decreasing the levels of serum LDL cholesterol in the blood." This information is from Global Healing Center. Click on the link to learn more benefits of Chicory Root.

*"The chicory root is also a great prebiotic (it contains 20% Inulin), so it can even help to repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria. And lastly, the bitter taste stimulates the production of enzymes that help regulate your digestive system." This information is from The Candida Diet.

Acerola Fruit Extract (Malpighia punicifolia)
"Acerola extract is often used in North America because of its high vitamin C content. Until the discovery of the camu-camu plant, the richest known natural source of vitamin C was the extract of the acerola fruit. When compared to oranges, acerola extract can contain as much as 90 times more vitamin C, according to Rain Tree Health." This information is from Live Strong. Click the link to read more about benefits of Acerola fruit extract.

Horsetail Stems and Strobilus (Equisetum arvense)
Horsetail plant, also known as shavegrass, contains the highest amount of silica of all known herbs. Silica is found in connective tissues throughout the body and is important in the building and normal repair of healthy connective tissue. In addition to silicon, horsetail contains large amounts of flavonoids, quercetin, sterols and saponins.
Lemon Bioflavonoid Extract (Citrus limon)
"Bioflavonoids is referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" - modify body's reaction to compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. Bioflavonoids is a powerful antioxidants by giving protection versus oxidative and free radical damage. It also prevents formation of oxidized cholesterol through antioxidant effects. Bioflavonoids have greater antioxidant effects than Vitamins C, E, Selenium, and Zinc." This information is from Online Vitamins Guide. Click the link to read more.

Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin
"Chlorophyll offers anti-cancer and antioxidant benefits by virtue of a compound called sodium-copper-chlorophyllin, according to Jeffrey Hurst, editor of the book "Methods of Analysis for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals." Chlorophyllin lends the deep, rich green color to chlorophyll and is commonly used as a green coloring agent in foods and other products. This bioactive molecule may protect against radiation-induced genetic mutations that lead to cancer. Healthy cells may also be protected against the toxic side effects of anti-cancer drugs by the use of chlorophyllin." This information is from Live Strong. To learn more benefits click the link.

Parsley Leaves (Petroselinum crispum)
"Parsley leaves and root are high in iron content and rich in vitamins A, B, C and trace minerals. Parsley adds color and aids digestion of the foods we eat and acts to prevent gas and bloating. Both parsley leaf and root can be used in teas as a diuretic to rid the body of excess water. This may explain its folklore reputation for helping gout and rheumatism. Parsley does inhibit the histamines that trigger allergies so may help treat sinus infection and congestion." This information is from Annies Remedy. Click the link to learn more. 
*"Parsley tea is a very good treatment for urinary tract infection (UTI) or bladder infection, especially for candida sufferers who cannot tolerate cranberry juice." This information is from Healing Naturally By Bee. Click the link to find out more.

Pau d'arco Bark Extract (Tabebuia avellanedae)
The pau d’arco tree grows in the rain forests of Brazil. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d’arco does not develop fungus growth, even though it grows in the most lush tropical rainforests in the world. Pau d’arco contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb’s traditional use in strengthening and supporting the immune system.

*"Pau d'arco, an all natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal agent, has been shown to be effective against candida & more" according to Atlantis Health Centers. Click the link to find out more.  

Here is a tasty treat using GreenZone: Amasai Treat With Ultimate GreenZone and Berries

Wow, what a powerful product combining all these wonderful ingredients into one super food!  Clicking on either link below will take you to my secure website. 

Buy Ultimate GreenZone Powder

Buy Ultimate GreenZone Capsules

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Taste Buds Change With Candida Diet

Since I started my Candida diet on April 12th, just a little over 3 months ago, my taste buds have changed dramatically. I didn't think that was ever possible. I used to love Cherry coke, all chocolate candy, well all kinds of candy, and just about everything sweet. Now I like completely unsweetened baker's chocolate, I crave apples, and raspberries are too sweet for me. So even if I tried candy, I don't think I could eat it. That is extremely exciting! Healthy foods taste wonderful to me now. I sure hope that gives some hope to people out there just starting this diet or in the middle of it. You can adapt and still enjoy food!

Mexican Salad

My husband made this delicious salad for me because I have been missing Mexican food so much. It is now one of my favorite meals! He sure is a blessing to me!

Peter's recipe:

1lb lean ground beef or turkey
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1/4 teaspoon oregano  
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon cumin 
1 teaspoon seas salt
1 teaspoon pepper

When choosing your spices always check the indigence and make sure there isn't any sugar or other foreign items you don't recognize.

Brown the meat in a skillet. Add garlic powder, onion powder, teaspoon cayenne pepper, oregano, paprika, cumin, sea salt,  pepper. Add cilantro to meat when finished cooking.


About 4 or 5 roma tomatoes
Small white onion chopped
1 lemon squeezed
1 lime squeezed
Garlic powder to taste
Sea salt to taste
Black pepper to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste

The salsa always turns out different depending on the taste of the tomatoes,etc. So my husband never uses an exact measurement. Since we can't use sugar to cut down on the acid, sometimes the acidity is a little strong. It helps me to drink a cold glass of unsweetened coconut/almond milk to cut down on the spice. You could also choose just almond milk or whatever you prefer. I find it very satisfying with the coconut/almond milk!


I put a bed of healthy lettuce on a plate (I buy an organic spring mix of red and green romaine, red and green oak leaf, red leaf, lollo rosa, Tango, Mizuna, Red and green chard, baby spinach, arugula, Frisee, Radicchio.)  I add about 3 large spoonfuls of the meat then top it with the salsa!

I store everything in separate containers and have it everyday for about a week! Just delicious!

Fruit Trees Are Not Doing Well

Since I know what are wrong with the tomatoes, maybe we are having the same problem with the fruit trees. All my fruit trees look like this, well now they have lost their fruit all together. Except for one of my pear trees. These are pictures of an apple tree we have. So either this also is a calcium deficiency like the tomatoes or maybe a fungus. I'm not sure, but I have only sprayed the fruit trees with the Neem Oil once. I'll be honest, I haven't been able to keep up with my yard this spring or summer.  Maybe I'll do better next year!

Red Canna Lily

These beautiful Canna Lily's have finally opened up!

Double Rose of Sharon

I absolutely love the Double Rose of Sharon. They look more like a rose and I love roses!

White Rose of Sharon

I love the Rose of Sharon! It always reminds me of the Bible verse:

"I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
As a lily among brambles, so is my love among the young women."

The Song of Solomon 2:1-2

Such a romantic book of the Bible! 


We planted these about a month ago, so these are old pictures, but we are trying a new set of tomato plants since our others weren't doing so well. So far only one is producing some cherry tomatoes but they look much better. I did spray them with a  blossom end rot spray which helps correct the calcium deficiency that causes rot in tomatoes. I had done a post recently about the tomato disease ruining my tomatoes and my father-in-law told me it was probably a calcium deficiency and could be fixed with a calcium spray before it happens. They  need to be sprayed more than once according to the bottle.


We feed the birds black oil sunflower seeds. I have seen large sunflowers in some yards and have always loved them! So when these started growing in my yard from those dropped seeds, I was sooo excited! 

Asiatic Dayflower

I found these around the edges of my backyard and fence. They have pretty blue flowers but look like a weed and are spreading everywhere. Does anyone know what they are? If so, please leave me a comment.

Update: Thanks to my friend, Donna, I now know this is an Asiatic Dayflower!

Friday, June 29, 2012


My sweet niece, Brook, helped me pull weeds a few weeks ago. One of the projects was to get rid of the grass in the strawberry patch. So here is a before and after picture. Strawberries are one of my favorite snacks with Amasai, Ultimate Greenzone, vanilla extract made with glycerin instead of alcohol, and cacao nibs! Right now I buy organic fresh and frozen strawberries from Sunflower Market. I hope to increase my strawberry patch over time and have enough for the growing season and to freeze for the winter! I planted some Marigold and Thyme seeds because they are great companion plants for strawberries!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nystatin and Candida

My mom was a neonatal intensive care nurse for many years and they treat babies that have thrush with Nystatin. She has been after me to try this drug for my Candida overgrowth. So I've done some research on the topic and came across this blog with some information that I think is helpful. Check it out: Holistic Help.
At the moment, I don't think I will try it. Sounds like it isn't good for the immune system and can cause some pretty bad die off symptoms. On top of that, the Candida can become resistant to it along with all the other anti-fungal drugs, including herbal products. It sure can get discouraging, seeing how long people have to fight Candida overgrowth. I'm thankful that I'm not feeling sick or experiencing too bad of symptoms. I just have to cozy into my candida diet. I've only been on it for almost 3 months and it feels like its been so much longer than that. It is about time for me to make some more recipes. I've pretty much been living on the same foods for a while. My hope is in God and I have to remember that when I get discouraged. I'm so thankful that I am able to be a stay at home mom to a beautiful boy who brings so much joy into my life! I also enjoy getting to make jewelry! I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who allows me to be creative! Thinking of all the things I'm thankful for sure renews my mind and puts a better perspective on life!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Lethargic

I have been feeling pretty lethargic the last few days. I got another charlie horse early this morning. I also took the saliva test again to see if I was rid of the Candida, since I really wanted to eat some pizza. Yes, I still have it. I sure hope that I've made some progress. It's hard to know since I've been feeling so tired. My heart has been skipping lately and the test doesn't show how much Candida you have, just if you do or don't have it. Well, still no pizza for me yet. I have only been on the Candida diet for 2 months, so it would've been pretty amazing if I had gotten Candida under control so quickly. From what I've read, it can take 6 months to several years to get rid of; depending on how long a person has had it. So I will stay the course, trusting God that I'm improving!

Blessings until next time!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tomato Disease?

I am sad to see my tomatoes seem to have a disease. If any readers out there are familiar with this disease, let me know! Also, if you have a natural solution to this problem, post a comment! My fruit trees seem to be having the same problem. I am new to gardening, so it's a learning process for sure.

Update: My father-in-law told me my tomatoes have calcium deficiency. So I am starting over with new tomatoes and spraying them with blossom end rot spray that helps to correct calcium deficiency. 

Blue Birds Nesting In Our Bluebird House

These are photos I took in March. Our blue birds are back again! I've seen them going in and out of the bluebird house I have on the back fence. We have lots of fruit trees and blackberries, so I'm sure they love being near the food! I feel blessed to be able to share my yard with these beautiful birds!

Home Made Almond Milk

I've been drinking a lot of Almond milk and found out recently that I shouldn't be drinking it with some of the ingredients listed on the carton. I posted about that in Frustration With Finding More Foods I Can't Have. I found this recipe for Home Made Almond Milk from a blog called Real Food Matters. It is a really simple recipe, so be sure to check it out.

Basically you take a cup of raw almonds and soak them in water for 12 hours or overnight. In the morning, drain the water and discard water. Put the almonds in a strong blender with 4 cups of fresh water. Blend for a few minutes using 30 second intervals until almonds and water are blended together. Then take a cheese cloth and strain the milk. Store it in the fridge.

 I really don't like the way the milk tastes after I made it. However, I might have soaked my almonds too long. I soaked them all day and then all night and part of another day. I didn't like the way it smelled or tasted. So I will try it again and hopefully it will turn out better if I don't soak the almonds as long. Or maybe I just need to get used to this taste because it doesn't taste like the store bought almond milk. I will let you know how the 2nd batch turns out. Hoping for heavenly!

Friday, June 1, 2012

From 149 lbs to 130 lbs in 50 days

Another weight loss update, just thought I would post some positive news! The last 3 days I've weighed 130 lbs, so I have lost 19 pounds in about 50 days. Again, this Candida diet is not about weight loss, its about getting Candida under control and regaining my health. The weight loss is a side benefit for me. Just 10 more pounds to go to get down to what I weighed before I was married and 15 pounds for high school weight!

Frustration With Finding More Foods I Can't Eat

I just started drinking Almond Milk, which I've been using in recipes. Over the last few days, I've drank probably 5 cartons. It is unsweetened, but I have come to love it. It gives me a creamy satisfying flavor as a substitute for my coffee with cream. It has a lot of good vitamins and minerals that my body needs. Since I've been drinking so much of it, I decided to research some of the extra ingredients that I've looked at and wondered if I should be having them. One is Locust Bean Gum which is from the carob tree and shouldn't be consumed on the candida diet according to Chemical Free Awareness. Locust Bean Gum is an additive used as a thickener in several products. The Almond Milk also contains "natural flavors" and it doesn't say what those are, so not sure what I'm getting there. The Chemical Free Awareness also says to stay away from products with added vitamins and minerals, which this has.

To my shock, most B Vitamins are made from yeast, so the Chemical Free Awareness site also says to stay away from B Vitamins and D3 vitamins that don't say "yeast free."  Well, I am short on both of those vitamins and take them both. I am unsure of what to do at this point. I need to find out if my particular vitamins are made from yeast.

Finding all this out has made me angry and frustrated, just was one of those nights last night.  I will have to do more research on what to do next. In the mean time, I'm not giving up my vitamins but I will try to find some other Almond Milk that doesn't have those ingredients if its out there. The stress I felt last night didn't help my irregular heart beat and I need those B Vitamins for the stress. I haven't figured out how to handle stress with Candida. It is one of those things your body doesn't deal with well under Candida overload. I'll be praying about it and daily giving it to God! I will revisit my thoughts on Manna From Heaven. I know God has a way out of this! He is my hope!

Update: Just found out that all Nature's Sunshine Vitamins are yeast free! So my vitamins are good! Check them out: Nutri-Calm, Vitamin D3 and Balanced B Complex.

I found a recipe for Home Made Almond Milk!

Candida Diet

I just realized after someone asked that I haven't posted what the Candida diet is.  You can read about my particular diet on my post: Visit with the natural doctor. There is a lot of opposing research on the exact foods to stay away from and foods you can eat.

Basically, it is a diet of no sugar, wheat, milk products, starches, high fat foods, high carb foods. Or it may be easier to say, "eat only organic lean meats and lots of organic vegetables." A lot of Candida diets eliminate fruits and some eliminate only some fruits. So each case will be different. I am having to change my diet day to day. So its a process figuring out which way is best for each individual. I am doing a lot of research as I determine each day what to eat. Each individual will have to figure out what works best for his or her situation and figure out what foods cause bad reactions and which they can handle. It is a challenge, but I know its worth sticking with it to feel better and get healthy! Your taste buds will change over time, mine already have in just a month. 

For your convenience I have put a list of websites I've found during my research at very bottom of the blog. I will be adding to it as I find more during my searches.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Canna Lilies

Here is another backyard blessing in our yard planted by previous home owner! I love the color of the leaves on these Canna Lilies! I can't wait to see the flower. I believe they are either red or orange.

Update: Here they are in red


These beautiful lilies are breathtaking when I look through my kitchen window over my backyard. They were planted by the previous owners of our house.  I haven't always been a fan of orange but I'm starting to love the color! These flowers sure promote it. What a wonderful display of God's beauty in creation!

Charlie Horses and Potassium Deficiency

Last night I had a Charlie Horse. I've only had about 3 in my life. The other 2 were when I was pregnant with my son. Since Candida robs your body of nutrients, I'm sure its robbed me of Potassium. That is another supplement I'll be adding to my diet since I can't eat bananas. Here is a blog that talks about how to stop a charlie horse in its tracks: My Journey With Candida Blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Heart Skipping Again

My heart started skipping again while we were on vacation in Florida. Irregular heartbeat is a symptom of Candida.  I did have some decaff coffee while traveling. We drove 2 days in a row of 12 hours each day. It was very difficult to find enough to eat on my Candida diet while on the road and out of town. I tried preparing a head of time, but should've prepared a little better. Decaf coffee is a no no on the Candida diet. I'm sure its because of the chemicals used to strip the caffeine from the coffee. I read on Healing Naturally By Bee that water pressed decaff coffee is okay for the Candida diet, and I found some at a Whole Foods market in Florida. However, coffee produces more acid in your body and my body is already over acidic.

"Coffee is also highly acidic and can lead to an overproduction of stomach acid that can irritate the intestines. Unbelievably, decaffeinated coffee has been shown to trigger even more acid production than regular coffee. This over-production (when combined with coffee’s laxative effects) can cause too much stomach acid to move into the intestines. All this acid can potentially cause damage to the intestinal lining." This is directly from Global Healing Center.

So maybe that is one of the reasons. Since I have gotten home from vacation, I am no longer drinking the coffee.  I've also been eating a lot of 100% bakers cacao. It is full of antioxidants, magnesium and iron.

"In its natural state chocolate is bursting with antioxidants to fight radicals - even more than fruit, vegetables, tea or wine! Chocolate supplies micronutrients, such as potassium, zinc, magnesium and iron, and is one of the richest food source of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals--rogue oxygen molecules that can accelerate aging and cause numerous health problems."

This is directly from Green and Healthy Info.

However, it is also high in saturated fat and has caffeine, two things I"m supposed to stay away from. So I think I need to slow down on the baker's cacao. I've been eating it raw and had a bunch while on vacation to tide me over. Maybe I should try and stick to using it in recipes and on rare occasions.

My heart seems to skip when I'm having a little bit of anxiety or overwhelmed with too much to do, which also makes me anxious. Also symptoms of Candida, so its a cycle. The other causes could be that I have run out of some of my herbs: High Potency Protease, Calcium-Magnesium, and I went off the Yeast Fungal Detox while on vacation. I will be ordering more High Potency Protease and Calcium Plus Vitamin D at the beginning of this coming month. I hope to be able to share that the irregular heart beat has returned to normal very soon! Say some prayers for me!

Blessings until next time!

Some Physical Symptoms of Candida

Some physical symptoms may include:
  • chills and night sweats
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness and balance problems
  • sensitivity to heat and/or cold
  • alcohol intolerance
  • gluten and/or casein intolerance
  • irregular heartbeat
  • irritable bowel
  • constipation and/or diarrhea
  • painful gas and abdominal bloating
  • low-grade fever or low body temperature
  • numbness, tingling and/or burning sensations in the face or extremities
  • dryness of the mouth and eyes
  • difficulty swallowing
  • projectile vomiting
This list is from Candida Free. Click on the link to find even more symptoms of Candida including psychological symptoms.

Blackberry Vines

I have been picking blackberries from these wonderful blackberry vines for a few days now. We recently went on vacation for a week and when we came back, we found out something has gotten to the blackberries as well. I have trouble eating something I see worms coming out of. I'm not sure if they just didn't get picked soon enough or if it was inevitable. Comment below if you know anything about keeping blackberries from worm infestation naturally!
