Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chlorine and Candida

I have been swimming every morning for the last couple of months in a chlorinated pool. I have had a rash emerging around my mouth for a while now. As soon as I found out I had Candida, I figured it was from that. And after some research I found out that rashes were a symptom as well. I thought it could've been from the pool since I have such dry skin. Well as soon as I found out about the Candida I stopped swimming. I wanted to research the affects of Chlorine on Candida before I started again. Sure enough I found out that swimming in a chlorinated pool can cause a "bloom in Candida." So that is probably when it got worse for me. It's just crazy how I was exercising to become healthier and it was just making things worse.  I already miss swimming so I need to find a pool that is a salt water pool.

Here is an exert from the Candida MD website

"Swimming in chlorinated pools.  Chlorine is a chemical in the halogen class that is used in swimming pools and Jacuzzis to kill bacteria and algae.  Just as chlorine kills bacteria in the water, it also kills the body’s normal bacterial flora.  However, it appears chlorine is not strong enough to kill yeast at pool water concentrations, so yeast growth in and on the body is encouraged when the competing bacteria are cleared out of the way.  While chloride is a very abundant and necessary ion in the body, chlorine exposure is not at all natural for us. Read more"

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