Friday, June 29, 2012


My sweet niece, Brook, helped me pull weeds a few weeks ago. One of the projects was to get rid of the grass in the strawberry patch. So here is a before and after picture. Strawberries are one of my favorite snacks with Amasai, Ultimate Greenzone, vanilla extract made with glycerin instead of alcohol, and cacao nibs! Right now I buy organic fresh and frozen strawberries from Sunflower Market. I hope to increase my strawberry patch over time and have enough for the growing season and to freeze for the winter! I planted some Marigold and Thyme seeds because they are great companion plants for strawberries!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nystatin and Candida

My mom was a neonatal intensive care nurse for many years and they treat babies that have thrush with Nystatin. She has been after me to try this drug for my Candida overgrowth. So I've done some research on the topic and came across this blog with some information that I think is helpful. Check it out: Holistic Help.
At the moment, I don't think I will try it. Sounds like it isn't good for the immune system and can cause some pretty bad die off symptoms. On top of that, the Candida can become resistant to it along with all the other anti-fungal drugs, including herbal products. It sure can get discouraging, seeing how long people have to fight Candida overgrowth. I'm thankful that I'm not feeling sick or experiencing too bad of symptoms. I just have to cozy into my candida diet. I've only been on it for almost 3 months and it feels like its been so much longer than that. It is about time for me to make some more recipes. I've pretty much been living on the same foods for a while. My hope is in God and I have to remember that when I get discouraged. I'm so thankful that I am able to be a stay at home mom to a beautiful boy who brings so much joy into my life! I also enjoy getting to make jewelry! I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who allows me to be creative! Thinking of all the things I'm thankful for sure renews my mind and puts a better perspective on life!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Feeling Lethargic

I have been feeling pretty lethargic the last few days. I got another charlie horse early this morning. I also took the saliva test again to see if I was rid of the Candida, since I really wanted to eat some pizza. Yes, I still have it. I sure hope that I've made some progress. It's hard to know since I've been feeling so tired. My heart has been skipping lately and the test doesn't show how much Candida you have, just if you do or don't have it. Well, still no pizza for me yet. I have only been on the Candida diet for 2 months, so it would've been pretty amazing if I had gotten Candida under control so quickly. From what I've read, it can take 6 months to several years to get rid of; depending on how long a person has had it. So I will stay the course, trusting God that I'm improving!

Blessings until next time!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tomato Disease?

I am sad to see my tomatoes seem to have a disease. If any readers out there are familiar with this disease, let me know! Also, if you have a natural solution to this problem, post a comment! My fruit trees seem to be having the same problem. I am new to gardening, so it's a learning process for sure.

Update: My father-in-law told me my tomatoes have calcium deficiency. So I am starting over with new tomatoes and spraying them with blossom end rot spray that helps to correct calcium deficiency. 

Blue Birds Nesting In Our Bluebird House

These are photos I took in March. Our blue birds are back again! I've seen them going in and out of the bluebird house I have on the back fence. We have lots of fruit trees and blackberries, so I'm sure they love being near the food! I feel blessed to be able to share my yard with these beautiful birds!

Home Made Almond Milk

I've been drinking a lot of Almond milk and found out recently that I shouldn't be drinking it with some of the ingredients listed on the carton. I posted about that in Frustration With Finding More Foods I Can't Have. I found this recipe for Home Made Almond Milk from a blog called Real Food Matters. It is a really simple recipe, so be sure to check it out.

Basically you take a cup of raw almonds and soak them in water for 12 hours or overnight. In the morning, drain the water and discard water. Put the almonds in a strong blender with 4 cups of fresh water. Blend for a few minutes using 30 second intervals until almonds and water are blended together. Then take a cheese cloth and strain the milk. Store it in the fridge.

 I really don't like the way the milk tastes after I made it. However, I might have soaked my almonds too long. I soaked them all day and then all night and part of another day. I didn't like the way it smelled or tasted. So I will try it again and hopefully it will turn out better if I don't soak the almonds as long. Or maybe I just need to get used to this taste because it doesn't taste like the store bought almond milk. I will let you know how the 2nd batch turns out. Hoping for heavenly!

Friday, June 1, 2012

From 149 lbs to 130 lbs in 50 days

Another weight loss update, just thought I would post some positive news! The last 3 days I've weighed 130 lbs, so I have lost 19 pounds in about 50 days. Again, this Candida diet is not about weight loss, its about getting Candida under control and regaining my health. The weight loss is a side benefit for me. Just 10 more pounds to go to get down to what I weighed before I was married and 15 pounds for high school weight!

Frustration With Finding More Foods I Can't Eat

I just started drinking Almond Milk, which I've been using in recipes. Over the last few days, I've drank probably 5 cartons. It is unsweetened, but I have come to love it. It gives me a creamy satisfying flavor as a substitute for my coffee with cream. It has a lot of good vitamins and minerals that my body needs. Since I've been drinking so much of it, I decided to research some of the extra ingredients that I've looked at and wondered if I should be having them. One is Locust Bean Gum which is from the carob tree and shouldn't be consumed on the candida diet according to Chemical Free Awareness. Locust Bean Gum is an additive used as a thickener in several products. The Almond Milk also contains "natural flavors" and it doesn't say what those are, so not sure what I'm getting there. The Chemical Free Awareness also says to stay away from products with added vitamins and minerals, which this has.

To my shock, most B Vitamins are made from yeast, so the Chemical Free Awareness site also says to stay away from B Vitamins and D3 vitamins that don't say "yeast free."  Well, I am short on both of those vitamins and take them both. I am unsure of what to do at this point. I need to find out if my particular vitamins are made from yeast.

Finding all this out has made me angry and frustrated, just was one of those nights last night.  I will have to do more research on what to do next. In the mean time, I'm not giving up my vitamins but I will try to find some other Almond Milk that doesn't have those ingredients if its out there. The stress I felt last night didn't help my irregular heart beat and I need those B Vitamins for the stress. I haven't figured out how to handle stress with Candida. It is one of those things your body doesn't deal with well under Candida overload. I'll be praying about it and daily giving it to God! I will revisit my thoughts on Manna From Heaven. I know God has a way out of this! He is my hope!

Update: Just found out that all Nature's Sunshine Vitamins are yeast free! So my vitamins are good! Check them out: Nutri-Calm, Vitamin D3 and Balanced B Complex.

I found a recipe for Home Made Almond Milk!

Candida Diet

I just realized after someone asked that I haven't posted what the Candida diet is.  You can read about my particular diet on my post: Visit with the natural doctor. There is a lot of opposing research on the exact foods to stay away from and foods you can eat.

Basically, it is a diet of no sugar, wheat, milk products, starches, high fat foods, high carb foods. Or it may be easier to say, "eat only organic lean meats and lots of organic vegetables." A lot of Candida diets eliminate fruits and some eliminate only some fruits. So each case will be different. I am having to change my diet day to day. So its a process figuring out which way is best for each individual. I am doing a lot of research as I determine each day what to eat. Each individual will have to figure out what works best for his or her situation and figure out what foods cause bad reactions and which they can handle. It is a challenge, but I know its worth sticking with it to feel better and get healthy! Your taste buds will change over time, mine already have in just a month. 

For your convenience I have put a list of websites I've found during my research at very bottom of the blog. I will be adding to it as I find more during my searches.